Hate Crime Reporting


Hate Crime Reporting

Hate Crime Reporting

We are a Hate Crime Reporting Centre. We can support you if you have experienced any kind of hate crime or been a victim of a hate incident. A hate crime is committed because of hostility or prejudice towards you.

This could be because of your:
⦁ Disability - physical disability, learning disability or mental health
⦁ Gender identity - including transsexual, transgender and transvestite
⦁ Race, Religion or National Origin - including gypsy and traveller groups
⦁ Sexual orientation
A hate crime can be committed anywhere; on a bus or train, in a shop, on the street or in any public or private place. A hate crime can be committed by a stranger or by someone you know, such as a neighbour.

Hate crimes can include:
⦁ Physical attacks – hitting, punching, pushing or spitting
⦁ Verbal abuse - name calling or offensive language
⦁ Bullying and intimidation – by children, adults, neighbours or strangers
⦁ Harassment – hoax calls, hate mail, offensive literature
⦁ Damage to property – graffiti, stickers or throwing rubbish
⦁ Malicious complaints – over parking, noise or smells
⦁ Online abuse – posts or messages on social media
⦁ Displaying or circulating discriminatory posters or leaflets
⦁ Posting discriminatory information online

If you think you have experienced a hate crime or witnessed a hate crime, you can:
⦁ Call us on 020 8349 3842 
⦁ E-mail us at: projectsupport@barnetmencap.or.uk
⦁ Or come and see us at our office at 35 Hendon Lane, Finchley N3 1RT

We can offer:
⦁ Telephone advice on the incident
⦁ A meeting to talk about the incident
⦁ Help you to report the crime to the Police
⦁ Help you to get assistance from the appropriate support groups

If you believe that someone you know is a target of hate crime, you can make a referral to the Hate Crime Team by filling in this form and sending it to us by post or e-mail.

In an Emergency or if a crime is taking place, always DIAL 999
Barnet says NO to Hate Crime


Be Safe - Get Support - Report It

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